
View Singles in Tempe

Mason is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 2


19 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 3 days

Reuben is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 2


23 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Krishna is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 3


25 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 1 hour

Jay is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 3


32 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 1 hour

Tj is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 5


30 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Ethan is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 2


19 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 5 days

Gust is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 2


29 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 5 days

Bushido is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 6


31 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 3 days


24 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 1 hour

Diego is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 5


26 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Christian is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 1


18 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 5 days

Jb is single in Tempe, AZ USA

P 3


34 - Tempe, AZ

Active within 5 days

Single Men in Tempe, AZ

Match.com is the #1 site for dates, relationships, and marriages. We make it easier to find single men in Tempe, AZ, so you can stop searching and start enjoying your love life. Who you meet and what you do once you find that special someone is up to you. Meet single men in Tempe at Four Peaks Brewing Company and sample local beers. Enjoy live music, dance, or theater at the Tempe Center for the Arts, or go for a relaxing walk at Kiwanis Park.

So how do you get to these first dates? Match.com has a host of features that make finding compatible, local single men in Tempe faster and easier. Here is how it works:

  1. Let us and single men online in Tempe learn about you by creating an online dating profile. Choose the words that best describe your unique personality and what you are looking for in a match. You can get great pointers and tips to help you stand out from other single women looking for men in Tempe.
  2. Find single men in Tempe or in nearby cities like Scottsdale or Phoenix by browsing our extensive database. Our custom search features allow you to refine your results by searching for the criteria you select, such as appearance, age, and interests.
  3. Match.com delivers personalized matches daily via our recommendation features like Daily Match and Mutual Match. The more you interact with these features, the better we get at suggesting compatible single guys in Tempe.
  4. Once you've found someone who piques your interest, send them a flirtatious wink to let them know. By becoming a subscriber you will have access to our email and chat features, allowing you to build deeper connections with your matches. Attend a Stir event and connect with other Match.com subscribers offline. These events are being organized in various cities throughout the country, so keep your eyes peeled.

Let Match.com help you meet single men in Tempe by signing up today!

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