
View Singles in Glendale

James is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 1


29 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 1 hour

Archuleta is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


30 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Ryan is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 5


36 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 1 hour

Serina is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


40 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 3 days

Brett is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 3


26 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Ac is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


33 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Hussein is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


18 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Brenner is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


36 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 1 hour

Elena is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


37 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 5 days


38 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 24 hours

Peggie is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 2


35 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 2 weeks

Kellie is single in Glendale, AZ USA

P 5


38 - Glendale, AZ

Active within 1 week

Singles in Glendale, AZ

Match.com can help you meet your match and find other singles in Glendale that share your interests and values. Start for free! Browse the profiles and photos of singles in Glendale, AZ on Match.com for free and create your profile, then subscribe to chat with other Glendale singles and find a match today!

Why Choose Match.com?

Match.com is responsible for more dates, relationships, and marriages than any other site. We tailor our recommendations to your likes, dislikes, requirements, and interests to better find potential matches amongst Glendale personals that are supplied to you with Daily Match, Singled Out alerts, and Mutual Matches. When you see somebody you're interested in, you can flirt with a wink, connect via chat, or send longer, thoughtful emails once you become a subscriber.

Attract Glendale singles by having an interesting and anecdotal profile. One of our ProfilePro experts can help make your profile stand out with photos and text that fit the real you. You can browse singles in Glendale, Phoenix, and Peoria, all on Match.com's website, or on the go with matchMobile.

Dating in Glendale also can be made easier with Match.com's great feature, Stir events. These are in-person events at local areas which bring singles together. Group activities like cooking classes, wine tastings, or games create new opportunities for local Match.com singles to mingle!

Glendale Date Ideas, Locations, & Tips

After finding a match and making a connection, what's the next step? Often it's finding a nice place to meet in person, and doing so safely. For a low-stress, high-caffeine first date, grab a cup of coffee at a Shot of Java coffee shop, or grab some sweets at Rayner's Chocolate and Coffee Shop. The Film Bar in Phoenix is a classy place to get a drink, or feel free to get your hands dirty at Elephant Bar for a delicious, messy barbeque experience. Active daters can take a walk at White Tank Mountain Regional Park and be immersed in nature. There are hundreds of first date ideas and eligible locations in the area - keep your date's interests in mind!

Today, 1 in 5 relationships begin online, and 1 in 6 marriages begin online! Expand your social group, meet new singles, and find a match today!

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