
View Singles in Memphis


Single Women in Memphis, TN

If you've been looking for single women in Memphis, TN, or in surrounding cities like Bartlett and Germantown, expand your options by joining Match.com — the #1 site in dates, marriages and relationships. For years, Match.com has helped men seeking women in Memphis. By signing up today, you could eventually become one of our success stories. With a host of helpful features, finding compatible Memphis single women through Match.com is easy and fun!

Registration at Match.com is free. Once you've registered, you will be prompted to create a profile. If you want your profile to stand out from those of other men seeking women in Memphis, our professional ProfilePro writers can help you accomplish this task. Match.com members can view their matches and send a flirtatious wink to Memphis women to show their interest. Subscribers can send and receive messages from women in Memphis through email or chat over IM.

Making connections with Memphis single women can be done offline by attending a nearby Stir event. With hundreds of events across the country every month featuring activities like dance lessons, bowling nights and wine tastings, Match.com subscribers can get to know potential matches in person.

As the largest city in Tennessee, Memphis never has a shortage of things to do; there is something for everyone in the River City. Here are some fun first–date ideas to try:

  • •    History buffs can check out an exhibition at the National Civil Rights Museum and discuss it afterward over a cup of coffee at the Qahwa Coffee Bar.
  • •    Enjoy a nature walk or a bike ride on the Shelby Farms Greenline.
  • •    The birthplace of rock 'n' roll is home to a vibrant music scene. For live music and dancing, visit B.B. King's Restaurant & Blues Club.

Explore your dating options by letting Match.com help you find compatible matches based on your needs and interests. Join Match.com for free today, review your matches, and subscribe to start meeting single women in Memphis!

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