
View Singles in Rochester


Single Women in Rochester, NY

If it's time for you to expand your dating options, join Match.com. We're the website that's responsible for more dates, more relationships, and more marriages than any other online dating site. As someone who's looking for single women in Rochester, NY, you can find more people and go on more first dates on Match.com than you may have otherwise. Our site allows you to find single women in Rochester who meet your interests and requirements, and make a real connection. You could take advantage of numerous Match.com features as a paying subscriber! Here are a few of them:

  • To become a member of our online dating community, create your profile. If you want to really stand out to local single women in Rochester, consult a ProfilePro assistant.
  • Subscribers can communicate with email and chat on our website or on the go with our matchMobile app.
  • Match.com makes its own recommendations for you with the Daily Match and Mutual Match features, which evolve and change as you provide feedback.
  • Because Match.com is nationwide, you can browse and search for local single women in Rochester as well as in surrounding places like Henrietta and Brockport.
  • You can use Match.com's dating tips and advice for help, read about our success stories for inspiration, or check out some interesting statistics in our Singles in America study.
  • You can meet single women in Rochester online, but you can also meet single women at a Stir event! These fun, preplanned events and activities actually bring Match.com subscribers together in person and are coming to many locations throughout the country.

Once you've made your online connection, feel free to meet single women in Rochester at one of the numerous dating locations throughout the city. Get creative and keep her interests and safety in mind when meeting single women. Dating in Rochester can include anything from going on an ordinary dinner date at The Owl House or Tapas 177 Lounge to attending a glass-blowing demonstration at More Fire Glass Studio. Rather than going on a full dinner date, the two of you could meet up for coffee at the Starry Nites Cafe. You could meet for the first time offline at the Dancing Wings Butterfly Garden at The Strong National Museum of Play and be surrounded by butterflies, or join the Highland Park Conservancy Botanical Garden and be surrounded by flowers. You could also add a bit of culture to your date by joining the Geva Theatre Center! These are just a handful of the many things you could do in the area.

To meet new singles and get started with your dating adventure, join Match.com today!

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