Email Help

As with any relationship, communication with other members is key to your success. Your Mailbox is designed to help you make the most of your experience and to keep your information private, until you’re comfortable enough to reveal it. We won’t bore you with the technical details, but all onsite emails are sent using our “double-blind” technology, which strips away identifying information.

You have two options for managing emails to and from other members: All emails you've sent and received within the past 180 days are available for you to easily reply to, view and organize right from your Mailbox. They are also sent to the email address with which you registered ( - update) – although we can’t guarantee delivery through your email provider because of the increased use of blocking and filtering tools. Additionally, email between providers is often delayed. Make sure your emails don’t get blocked with these tips.

For ease of reading, tracking and to be certain your emails aren’t lost, use your onsite Mailbox. Responding from your Mailbox is also the ONLY way to keep your information private.

Now, it’s time to spark a little conversation and see where it goes!

Your emails will appear in one of four different folders: Messages, Sent, Draft and Trash. Regardless of their location in your box or read status, they are automatically deleted after 180 days, so read and respond to them promptly to make sure you never miss an opportunity to connect.

To refresh the contents of any folder, just click on the name of the folder (Messages, Sent, Trash) in the main navigation menu displayed on every Mailbox page. To sort emails within any email folder, click on a column title.


Your Mailbox contains all the emails you've received from other members. You can view the sender's profile from and reply immediately to any received emails.

If you see an email in your inbox that, for some reason, was never delivered to your personal email address, you can forward it using the "Forward" button available to you while viewing that message.

Don’t forget to watch for alerts for new email so you can keep conversations rolling.


Only subscribers can respond to emails. The Sent folder shows all emails sent to other members within the past 180 days.

If a member is on when you send a message, she/he is immediately alerted.


To help you manage your emails, you can delete any message you no longer need from your Messages, Sent, Draft and Trash folders.

You can also restore any emails that have been moved into the Trash. Restoring an email will automatically return them to their original folder (Messages, Draft or Sent).

If you delete emails from the Trash, they are permanently removed from your Mailbox. Use this with caution; these emails are not recoverable.

Your inbox is the center your of your universe. We make it super easy for you to respond to your emails and send emails to other members.

  1. You can respond to emails you’ve already received by clicking "Reply" while viewing any received message.
  2. To compose a new email from your inbox, click on the "Compose email" link in the left navigation and type in the name of one of your Connections.
  3. You can click "Email her/him" from any profile page.
  4. You can choose a connection from the left navigation of your Mailbox to send an email to.
  5. If a connection is not visible in your left navigation, you can click "See more," then click "Email her/him" or "Reply" on any connection available on your Connections page.