
View Singles in Minneapolis



40 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 24 hours

Tatiana is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 5


38 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 5 days

Heli is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 3


36 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 1 hour

Kelly is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 2


37 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 1 hour

Jada is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 2


18 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 5 days

Dana is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 3


34 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 3 days

Kate is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 3


22 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 3 days

Bri is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 3


18 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 24 hours


40 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 24 hours


38 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 1 hour

Cat is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 6


32 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 1 hour

Whitney is single in Minneapolis, MN USA

P 1


27 - Minneapolis, MN

Active within 24 hours

Single Women in Minneapolis, MN

Are you looking to date single women in Minneapolis? Single women from St. Paul to Bloomington may also be looking for you on Match.com, the #1 site in relationships, marriages, and dates. Many of them know that 1 in 5 relationships begin online. Find, flirt with, and get to know them by joining today. When you join as a member, you can create your profile, browse Minneapolis women, and wink at them, all for free.

Did you know that people who join Match.com are 3 times more likely to find a relationship than people who don't use it? We know how to put the right people together. We make recommendations based on your likes, dislikes, and requirements in the form of features like Mutual Match and Daily Match, enabling you to find the most compatible single women. Minneapolis men can then choose to contact our matches, or tell us who they'd like to hear from in the future. This feedback improves our recommendations for the future, so the more you use Match.com, the more we change and evolve to find matches for you.

When creating your profile, use descriptions and photos that put your best foot forward! Match.com's tips can help you stand out among other men seeking women. Minneapolis, Minnesota is a big town, so stand out with the best words to describe the real you! Match.com offers numerous features like this that can help men seeking women. Minneapolis subscribers can also email, wink at, and chat with interesting ladies online or on the go with matchMobile. A great in-person feature, Stir events, can lead you to meet many single women in Minneapolis at once! These fun events feature group activities to allow Match.com singles to mix and mingle, finding in-person connections and forming new relationships!

What to Do on a Minneapolis, MN First Date

Once you've made your connection, you can make the jump to meeting in person. In such a romantic city, it's easy to find something to do for a first date. Keep her interests in mind! Is she active or bookish? Does she like sweets, coffee, or tea? Does she like the outdoors, or animals? Depending on your interests, you could:

  • Take her out to a great local restaurant, like W.A. Frost & Company or the Happy Gnome.
  • Take a walking tour of the beautiful Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.
  • Hear live free live music in a Park, as a part of Music in the Parks.
  • Go bowling at the classic dating location - Bryant Lake Bowl.
  • Broaden your horizons by visiting the Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, the Walker Art Center, or the Weisman Art Museum!

These are just a few examples of the many things you can do with your date! To get you to that first connection, trust Match.com and join today.

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