
View Singles in Aurora


Singles in Aurora, IL

If you're looking for love in Aurora, IL, Match.com can help. As the #1 site in dates, relationships, and marriages, we know how to bring singles together. Whether you're looking for singles in Aurora, Montgomery, or Naperville, we can help you in your search. People who join Match.com are three times more likely to begin a relationship than those who don't. Get started meeting Aurora singles by signing up for free today!

Match.com Features

Start your online dating adventure by creating your profile. Take your time in choosing the words that describe the real you and what you're looking for in a potential match. We will use your profile to deliver personalized matches via our recommendation features like Daily Match and Mutual Match. The more feedback you provide by interacting with these features, the more our recommendations improve. You may also search and browse our database of Aurora personals to find someone who interests you. However you decide to use the site to find matches, be sure to make connections with those who pique your interest. Subscribers can connect with Aurora singles by winking, emailing, instant messaging, or by attending a Stir event.

Dating in Aurora

Since it's the second-largest city in Illinois, there is plenty to see and do in Aurora. Dating is fun once you've made some connections. Consider your date's interests, and start planning some great first dates. Here are some things you can try:

  1. Catch a live theater, comedy, or musical performance at the Paramount Theatre.
  2. Visit the Phillips Park Zoo and see your favorite animals.
  3. For a fun and active date, go bowling at Parkside Lanes or roller skating at the Aurora Skate Center.
  4. Enjoy a savory meal at Basil's Greek Dining or Naf Naf Grill.
  5. For coffee and conversation, head to River's Edge Cafe.

Start browsing for singles in Aurora by joining Match.com for free today.

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