
View Singles in Miami


Single Men in Miami, FL

Are you looking for love in Miami? Match.com can help you find single men online today! Join as a member and you'll be able to find single men, wink at them, and create your profile, all for free! Get started with your dating adventure today by creating an engaging profile after reading our helpful tips article. You'll be able to find compatible singles with our recommendation features, and once you become a subscriber you can email, wink at, and chat with them. Now 1 in 5 relationships begin online, so expand your dating options and find the right singles with Match.com today!

A Miami First Date

There are many places you can go in Miami, FL on your first date! Keep your safety and his interests in mind when deciding where to go. Considering his hobbies and interests when deciding where to go can differentiate you from many other women seeking men in Miami. What kind of single men in Miami will you be dating? Is your match a musician, an artist, or a foodie? Take advantage of some of these great local romantic hot spots!

The Musician: The two of you could enjoy a free New World Symphony WallCastTMconcert! For another great free musical experience, take advantage of the Full Moon Drum Circles between 85st and 79th street during full moons. Also, the city is full of dance clubs and bars that incorporate many styles of music, from reggae to jazz!

The Artist: Take an Art Walk in downtown Hollywood, FL, or visit the Wolfsonian in Miami Beach. Miami is full of galleries in the Wynwood District, and public art is scattered throughout the city!

The Sports Enthusiast: Take advantage of the lively sports scene for sports-savvy single men. Miami is the home of the Marlins, the Panthers, and the Dolphins!

The Active Guy: Active Miami men can enjoy biking through some nearby parks like the South Pointe Park in Miami Beach - bring your camera! The two of your could do the typical romantic walk along the beach at Matheson Hammock Park and Beach. Kayaking in Oleta Park, or taking advantage of free yoga classes in Bayfront Park, could also be fun!

The Foodie: Miami single men who love their appetite can enjoy Sugarcane Raw Bar Grill or Wine Vault. If you just want a sweet treat, enjoy the Sweetness Bake Shop and Cafe or Moloko! Or, if you want a more hands-on experience, you can show of your culinary know-how at a Biltmore Culinary Academy class, or another of the numerous cooking classes throughout the city.

The Dancer: Miami can be called the dance center of America, with so many places to go to show off your moves! When finding the right club or hall, make sure it's beginner-friendly and not too loud so that you can get to know each other. Try a class at Tango Times Dance Company.

Also, if you want to meet multiple single men in Miami at once, take advantage of one of Match.com's Stir events! These local, pre-planned events bring Match.com subscribers together, so that singles can mix in person and get to know each other offline. These and many other features are there to help women seeking men. Miami is a great place to meet, date, and find singles, so get started and join Match.com today.

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