
View Singles in Virginia Beach

Genevieve is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 11


31 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 1 hour

Jessie is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 3


27 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 24 hours

Elisa is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 4


40 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 1 hour

Gwen is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 7


32 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 24 hours

Bianca is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 5


38 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active over 3 weeks ago

Meghan is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 5


36 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 5 days

Chelsea is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 4


33 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 3 days

Carly is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 2


25 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 1 hour


23 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 24 hours

Navy is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 9


36 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 3 days

Nina is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 2


40 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 24 hours

Danielle is single in Virginia Beach, VA USA

P 3


37 - Virginia Beach, VA

Active within 1 hour

Single Women in Virginia Beach, VA

Meet a match and find single women in Virginia Beach through Match.com, the site that's responsible for more dates, relationships, and marriages than any other site! We offer numerous features that can help men seeking women. Virginia Beach single women that share your interests can be just a few clicks away by signing up as a member. Create a profile, search for local single women, and wink today, all for free!

Take the first step towards meeting a match by signing up. Then, once you become a subscriber, you'll be able to communicate via email and instant messaging on our website or with our mobile app. Build a connection by communicating online and having a profile that represents the real you! Our profile creation guides can help you find the best words to describe you and set you apart from other men seeking women. Virginia Beach is full of great first date locations once you make an online connection, from Norfolk to Chesapeake. We've listed some of our ideas below — just be sure to keep everyone’s safety in mind!

5 Date Night Ideas for Singles in Virginia Beach, VA:

5. Take your sweet date out for a sweet treat at Oh Fudge, Sweet Temptations Dessert Cafe, or the Sugar Plum Bakery.

4. Get cultural by visiting one of numerous museums and theaters, such as the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art or the Little Theatre of Virginia Beach!

3. Enjoy the local flavors at a restaurant Virginia Beach women love, like Pacifica, Zoes, or EAT: An American Bistro. You could also enjoy dinner and a movie at Beach Movie Bistro.

2. Come face-to-face with wildlife on an outdoorsy date at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Nauticus, or False Cape State Park.

1. Take advantage of the nearby ocean by walking along the beach, going paddle boarding along one of the bays, or renting some jet skis!

Match.com's Stir events are also a wonderful please to meet, mingle, and enjoy the company of other Match.com subscribers. These events and activities offer a great place to get to know people offline, often enabling men to build in-person connections with single women. Virginia Beach can be a great location to meet singles offline and online, so get started today!

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